NEW! Boho Bass

NEW! Enchanted Grayling


Tropical Tarpon

Salty Striper

Unbound Brown


Steel My Heart

Kaleido King


Mt. Cutty

REDtro Salmon

True North Trout Holiday Wish List

Holiday Wish List 

By: Brian Kozminski

December 1, 2019

We have all stuffed the Turkey and gorged to our hearts content. Thankful. Let the shopping BEGIN!! My wife often asks me for a list of ideas for Christmas, which is difficult, because we acquire the things we need as we need them. But- I make small lists with things like bird feeders and warm wading socks so my Aunt Carol, or whomever drew my name for the Koz Christmas party can surprise me. It is really tricky. I don’t really ‘Need’ anything for  fly fishing- but, every year, industry R&D professional produce something that will cast further, faster, stronger and better. We must have it. So here we go. Remember, THIS is a WISH LIST, if you don’t want to read about the latest in the fishing industry, or hope to find a cool fly box in your stocking, then please pass this along to a friend and save yourself the turmoil of plowing through this post like the 13″ of snow we are about to get.
